If you believe your card has been lost or stolen, Keep allows you to freeze it quickly from your dashboard. This gives you time to look for the card without immediately canceling it. If you don’t find the card, you can cancel it permanently and create a new one.
Freezing a card pauses its usage temporarily, while canceling is permanent. Once a card is canceled, its number cannot be reactivated later.
This guide will walk you through how to freeze or cancel your card, clarify the differences between these actions, and answer common questions you might have.
In This Article
Freezing a Card
Canceling a Card
Frequently Asked Questions
Only admins can perform these actions. Understanding the difference between freezing and canceling a card is important:
Freezing a Card: Temporarily pauses its usage, allowing you to reactivate it later.
Canceling a Card: Permanently deactivates the card, and the card number cannot be reactivated. This step is irreversible.
Important: To cancel a Physical card, it must first be activated. If you don't have your physical card with you, please contact our support team. Learn more about activation at How to Activate Your Keep Card.
Freezing Your Card
Freezing your card prevents any unauthorized usage while you search for it. Here’s how to do it:
Go to the Cards section in your Keep dashboard.
Select the card you want to freeze.
Click Freeze (look for the snowflake icon) to temporarily pause the card.
Your card will remain frozen until you manually unfreeze it.
You can view the freeze button in the image below
Canceling Your Card
If you decide you cannot recover your card, you can cancel it permanently. Keep in mind that once canceled, the card information is lost, and you’ll need to create a new card.
To cancel a card:
Go to the Cards section in your Keep dashboard.
Select the card you want to cancel.
Click Cancel from the dropdown menu (look for the red cancel icon).
You can view the cancel button in the image below
Even if you close your card, creating a new one is quick and easy. Keep offers unlimited virtual cards to ensure you can continue making transactions securely. You can also check out How to Order Your Keep Virtual Card for more details on managing your cards.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What happens if I freeze my card and then find it later?
You can unfreeze your card at any time from your dashboard to resume using it. - Can I reactivate a card after canceling it?
No, canceling a card is permanent, and the card number cannot be reactivated. You will need to create a new card. - What if I can’t activate my card before canceling it?
If you’re unable to activate your card, contact customer support for assistance. They can guide you through the process. - Is there a fee for creating a new card?
No, Keep does not charge any fees for creating new cards, whether physical or virtual.
Need more help?
If you have questions or need assistance, reach out to our support team through your Keep dashboard or visit the Help Center.